how to start an online business

Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to make wind power

How to make wind power. Well the Germans have done it again…. A small village called Wildpoldsried is leading the world with its energy saving systems. Mayor Arno Zengerie, has had a vision for the town as far back as 1997 and strong motivation to see the Wind And Solarpower projects as a whole succeed, He has led the way for many years in making Wildpoldsried's energy independence efforts a success. As the village has been investing in building and promoting new energy saving industries, maintaining a strong local economy, generating new forms of revenue, and ultimately staying out of debt. And the best way it saw fit to accomplish much of this was through the implementation of self-sustaining, . Renewable energy technologies. Mostly wind and solar Not only did Wildpoldsried successfully reduce the amount of time expected to generate the necessary funds to build local treasures like a sports hall, theater stage, pub, and retirement home with the revenue generated by its thriving renewable energy sector, the village has already successfully built nine community buildings, with more on the way, but it also achieved all this and more without going into debt. "We often spend a lot of time talking to our visitors about how to motivate the village council to start thinking differently," said Mayor Zengerle, who now gives talks around the world about the successes of his award-winning village. "We show them a best practices model how to start up and many see the benefits immediately. From the tour we give, our guests understand how well things can operate when you have the enthusiasm and conviction of the people. Why can’t the rest of the world get on this band wagon and start making these systems more efficient and available to all. YOU can start by building a small wind power generator in your back garden and start saving on your energy bills right away.. Get Your FREE PLANS and GUIDE HERE…

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

how to get on google page 1 FAST

How to get ranked on page 1 of Google.
We all know that if you can get ranked on page 1 of google search that you will get loads of traffic Right?, Well.. I have found a way of getting Not only my WEBSITE on PAGE 1 but my blog, my youtube video, my youtube channel ..AND facebook page….all at the same time.. My Facebook page was TOP of page 1. Now we all know that this is hugh!...and straight away I saw a massive increace in TRAFFIC and this gave a boost to my sales. There are a few easy steps that anyone can do to make this happen in under 10 days and if you would like to see how I did this and start generating loads of traffic to your site, then just have a look at the VIDEO I have put together.

How to get ranked on page 1 of Google.

How to get ranked on page 1 of Google. We all know that if you can get ranked on page 1 of google search that you will get loads of traffic Right?, Well.. I have found a way of getting Not only my WEBSITE on PAGE 1 but my blog, my youtube video, my youtube channel ..AND facebook page….all at the same time.. My Facebook page was TOP of page 1. Now this is hugh!...and straight away I saw a massive increace in TRAFFIC and this gave a boost to my sales. There are a few easy steps that anyone can do to make this happen in under 10 days and if you would like to see how I did this and start generating loads of traffic to your site, then just have a look at the VIDEO I have put together.
How to get ranked on page 1 of Google. We all know that if you can get ranked on page 1 of google search that you will get loads of traffic Right?, Well.. I have found a way of getting Not only my WEBSITE on PAGE 1 but my blog, my youtube video, my youtube channel ..AND facebook page….all at the same time.. My Facebook page was TOP of page 1. Now this is hugh!...and straight away I saw a massive increace in TRAFFIC and this gave a boost to my sales. There are a few easy steps that anyone can do to make this happen in under 10 days and if you would like to see how I did this and start generating loads of traffic to your site, then just have a look at the VIDEO I have put together.

how to get ranked page 1 on google

how to get ranked on page 1 of google We all know that if you can get ranked on page 1 of google search that you will get loads of traffic Right?, Well.. I have found a way of getting Not only my WEBSITE on PAGE 1 but my blog, my youtube video, my youtube channel ..AND facebook page….all at the same time.. My Facebook page was TOP of page 1. Now this is hugh!...and straight away I saw a massive increace in TRAFFIC and this gave a boost to my sales. There are a few easy steps that anyone can do to make this happen in under 10 days and if you would like to see how I did this and start generating loads of traffic to your site, then just have a look at the VIDEO I have put together.

Monday, March 26, 2012

How to make wind power

How to make wind power, The bid to bring renewable power to the U.S. is facing a tougher time this year than in previous years. The New York Times reported earlier this month, in How to make wind powerthat “even as many politicians, environmentalists and consumers want renewable energy and reduced dependence on fossil fuels, a growing number of projects are being canceled or delayed because governments are unwilling to add even small amounts to consumers’ electricity bills.” Year-to-date installations of new wind power dropped 72 percent from 2009 levels, according to a press release from the American Wind Energy Association As authors Matthew Wald and Tom Zeller Jr. note, “Electricity generated from wind or sun still generally costs more — and sometimes a lot more — than the power squeezed from coal or natural gas.That gap in price can pit regulators, who see their job as protecting consumers from unreasonable rates, against renewable energy developers and utility companies, many of which are willing to pay higher prices now to ensure a broader energy portfolio in the future.” One example: “The state public utilities commission in Rhode Island rejected a power-purchase deal for an offshore wind project that would have cost 24.4 cents a kilowatt-hour. The utility now pays about 9.5 cents a kilowatt hour for electricity from fossil fuels. The state legislature responded by passing a bill allowing the regulators to consider factors other than price. The commission then approved an agreement to buy electricity from a smaller wind farm.” That decision is being challenged in the courts.

How to Get on page 1 google FAST

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wind Turbine CRASH

<b>How To Make Wind Power is having a</b>
<b>Bonus Day get free plans...</b>
Grab this deal now as its totaly free to download.  We are having a GIVE AWAY...
 Get your FREE plans and a guide on how to make wind and solar power
generators. In this guide is packed full of great designs pictures and tips
on starting your own energy saving project go see now..

Just have a look..Go to our new web site and download your 100% FREE bonus Now .
This offer normally sells for $49. This week only .. we are giving it away FREE..
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How to make wind power." build your own wind turbine get FREE Plans"

How to make wind power

<b>How To Make Wind Power is having a</b>
<b>Bonus Day get free plans...</b>
Grab this deal now as its totaly free to download.  We are having a GIVE AWAY...
 Get your FREE plans and a guide on how to make wind and solar power
generators. In this guide is packed full of great designs pictures and tips
on starting your own energy saving project go see now..

Just have a look..Go to our new web site and download your 100% FREE bonus Now .
This offer normally sells for $49. This week only .. we are giving it away FREE..
<a href="">FREE PLANS and GUIDE</a>

How to make wind power FREE Plans

How To Make Wind Power is having a Bonus Give away...Yes thats right we are giving away free plans and a free guide.. We are having a GIVE AWAY... Get your FREE plans and a guide on how to make wind and solar power generators. In this guide is packed full of great designs pictures and tips on starting your own energy saving project go see now.. Go to our new web site and download your 100% FREE bonus Now . This offer normally sells for $49. but we are giving it away FREE.. FREE PLANS and GUIDE

How to make wind power

How To Make Wind Power is having a Bonus Give away... We are having a GIVE AWAY... Get your FREE plans and a guide on how to make wind and solar power generators. In this guide is packed full of great designs pictures and tips on starting your own energy saving project go see now.. Go to our new web site and download your 100% FREE bonus Now . This offer normally sells for $49. but we are giving it away FREE.. FREE PLANS and GUIDE

Monday, March 19, 2012

We are having a give away. FREE plans and FREE guide to down load. at our web site have a look at Giving away for limeted time only free guide and 2x sets of plans ...see our web site for free instant download NOW... FREE PLANS & GUIDE

How to make wind power

How to make wind power is Giving away for limeted time only free guide and 2x sets of plans ...see our web site for free instant download NOW... FREE PLANS & GUIDE

how to make wind power

Friday, March 16, 2012

how to make wind power

How to make wind power, build your own wind turbine. Get your FREE plans at our web site see loads of great tips and energy saving ideas for your own project. here are probably lots of other brands and models of permanent magnet DC motors available that will work well as generators. Permanent magnet DC motors work as generators, but they weren't designed to be generators. So they aren't great generators. Some types of motor are a lot worse than others. When used as generators, motors generally have to be driven far faster than their rated speed to produce anything near their rated voltage. So what you are looking for is a motor that is rated for high DC voltage, low rpms and high current. Steer away from low voltage and/or high rpm motors. You want a motor that will put out over 12 Volts at a fairly low rpm, and a useful level of current. So a motor rated for say 325 rpm at 30 Volts when used as a generator, could be expected to produce 12+ volts at some reasonably low rpm. On the other hand, a motor rated at 7200 rpm at 24 volts probably won't produce 12+ volts as a generator until it is spinning many thousands of rpm, which is way too fast for a wind turbine. So shop for motors accordingly. 100% Homemade Electricity Producing Wind Turbine advantages alternative benefits bill build cell cells cheap conservation cost diy earth earth4energy earthenergy efficiency efficient electric electricity eliminate energy environment free fuel generate generator global green grid heat heater help home homemade house how instructions kits live make manufacturer market money natural panel panels plant power renewable residential resources review save scam sell solar sun system technology transformers turbine turbines wind windmills work I reduced the project to just five little systems. <@ href="">wind powerIf attacked one at a time, the project didn't seem too terribly difficult. I decided to start with the generator. My online research showed that a lot of people were building their own generators. That seemed a bit too complicated, at least for a first effort. Others were using surplus permanent magnet DC motors as generators in their projects. This looked like a simpler way to go. So I began looking into what motors were best for the job. A lot of people seemed to like to use old computer tape drive motors (surplus relics from the days when computers had big reel to reel tape drives). The best apparently are a couple of models of motor made by Ametek. The best motor made by Ametek is a 99 volt DC motor that works great as a generator. Unfortunately, they are almost impossible to locate these days. There are a lot of other Ametek motors around though. A couple of their other models make decent generators and can still be found on places like Ebay . This web site talks about the virtues and vices of various Ametek motors when used as generators. Category:

how to make wind power generator

How to make wind power

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

how to make wind power

How to make wind power It has become very easy today for anyone to make their own wind powerturbine to creat electricity and save on energy bills. There is a load of free information on how to build wind power systems . The web is a great place to start you off and within only a few days you could have a working system generating your own electric power. To star with you need some plans on who to start and I have found this great sit that gives away FREE plans So you can start right away. With the rise in energy cost for everyone, its even more important to cut costs on electric bills and do your bit for the environment. This new site has many ideas for Wind generators and how to build blades, so go take a look now and start saving on your electric bills.