Have a look at the new wind power site i made...that still needs some adjustments to but poco y poco as they say in Spain
Learn How to start an online business, how to make money online working from home See The Video.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
I have been trying to get some followers in my list for about a month with no luck but i have made 3 youtube videos and 2 days later 6 new sign ups in my windpower list..so more videos on the way then.
i know its possible you are not interested in wind power but i could do with some feed back on the video.
i know its possible you are not interested in wind power but i could do with some feed back on the video.
New video on wind turbines.... live now
Here is my latest youtube video.
still needs some work but will sort it out soon.
still needs some work but will sort it out soon.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Videos for youtube
I have started makeing youtube videos and need a female model no experience necessary.
The photos would be in Almeria on the beach with some props to advertise some new products i have.
The photos would be in Almeria on the beach with some props to advertise some new products i have.
Model wanted
I need a female model for some photos that i want for my youtube channel to advertise some new products, any one in the Almeria area interested?. the photos would be with different props on the beach in Roquetas.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
how to make wind power
How to make wind power
Great video see more at http://www.howtomakewindpower.com/
how to make wind power
How to make wind power.
Has a new web site have a look here.
its got some great ideas..
Has a new web site have a look here.
its got some great ideas..
Friday, February 17, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I just love this gota get one....
Have A LOOK at This Babby
Its a great bit of kit..
Just right to take away on trips..
Better that a lap top...
Have A LOOK at This Babby
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
If you are like me and have a new ipad but are still finding it hard to get to grips with all the features ...
then this is for you.
I have just found this great video course on all the ipad features
with step by tsep easy to follow videos that you can download.Have a look here
If you are like me and have a new ipad but are still finding it hard to get to grips with all the features ...
then this is for you.
I have just found this great video course on all the ipad features
with step by tsep easy to follow videos that you can download.Have a look here
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Well here it is ....Details of My new web site... propertyinalmeria.com
Most of you may Know me, as I have lived and worked here in Almeria for about 8 years now .
I will be launching a This web site in a few weeks time ...
The web site will be listing properties for sale in Almeria.
This site will be promoting properties on facebook, twitter, utube, ebay and many other popular web sites on the internet, as well as placing weekly ads in classifieds on the internet around the world and not just in your estate agents window.
The idea is to only promote Almeria properties.
There will be 3 different packages on offer.....
Well here it is ....Details of My new web site... propertyinalmeria.com
Most of you may Know me, as I have lived and worked here in Almeria for about 8 years now .
I will be launching a This web site in a few weeks time ...
The web site will be listing properties for sale in Almeria.
This site will be promoting properties on facebook, twitter, utube, ebay and many other popular web sites on the internet, as well as placing weekly ads in classifieds on the internet around the world and not just in your estate agents window.
The idea is to only promote Almeria properties.
There will be 3 different packages on offer.....
Standard Page.........with up to 6 photos, writen
details with contact emails and numbers .
Premium Page .......with more eye catching page, up to 8 photos, 1 short
Video ,
writen details with email and contact numbers.
Gold Page......................with more eye catching page , up to 12 photos, 2
short videos,
writen details with email and contact numbers.
Your property will be placed on my new website with A link to its own page where the pictures and videos of the property will be, as well as a detailed discription and your own contact number and email so the buyer calls you direct. ( NO Agents Fees To Pay.)
Your property will be placed on my new website with A link to its own page where the pictures and videos of the property will be, as well as a detailed discription and your own contact number and email so the buyer calls you direct. ( NO Agents Fees To Pay.)
This means no
commisions to the estate agents....... you get to
keep all the money.
If you think of how many thousands of euros
an estate agent charges
I think you can see what you will be saving.
There will be a one time only set up fee and then a very low monthly maintenance fee.
The maintenance fee will be used to pay for ads all over the internet on A regular basis.
I think you can see what you will be saving.
There will be a one time only set up fee and then a very low monthly maintenance fee.
The maintenance fee will be used to pay for ads all over the internet on A regular basis.
Standard package: set up 125 euros .....maintenance 15 euros per month
Premium package: set up 150
euros.....maintenance 18 euros per month
Gold Package:
set up 200
euros.....maintenance 20 euros per month
------- These prices are for the first 10 customers and then the fees will go up.
Just think thats only 3.5 Euros a week......you
can't get many Tapas for that...
Have a look at the link below to see how your house
may look on my site.
This is my own house that will soon be on the site.
This is my own house that will soon be on the site.
One last
thought...every week an estate agents closes....... every 100 days Internet
Traffic Doubles......
For more info Email me .... davidwright2828@gmail.com .....or call David on... 0034 600217968.
For more info Email me .... davidwright2828@gmail.com .....or call David on... 0034 600217968.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Sell Your Home In Almeria
Just 1 week now for the launch of my web site Sell Your Home In Almeria
It will be a place to put your property it you would like to sell it on the internet...
Email david for more info.....
It will be a place to put your property it you would like to sell it on the internet...
Email david for more info.....
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Make Money With Your Digital Camera....
Stock photography images" are in high demand at the moment and it has never been a better time to sell your digital photography images.
If you have an slr camera or even an old snap shot camera, it is the photograph that matters.
"How to take pictures" has now become an art but there are many companies that are looking for "free digital images" to sell on their web sites.
Photographs can now be uploaded to companies for free, then when customers view the photos and decide to buy them you get a commission for each time the photograph is down loaded.
Many of the stock photographs are peoples holiday snaps, all be it quite good ones but there are also some pictures that you wouldn't think of sending in, for example photographs of grass, sand or just an apple on its own or a pet dog.
"Making Money With Your Digital Camera" can be enjoyable to, if you are on holiday and are going to take some photographs anyway, why not capitalise on that and make a little cash on the side .
You just need to stop a moment and think about the shot and what is in the background of the photograph that you are taking and what kind of company would like a photo like this.
It is now much easier for large companies, or even the individual, to search online for stock pictures, rather than having to higher a professional photographer to fly out to some expensive, remote location, when they can have holiday makers and tourists do the traveling for them.
A good "stock photography image" can bring in the owner up to 500 dollars a month for just 1 picture.
I have put together an ebook that shows people exactly how to take pictures that the stock photography companies are looking for.
This book also has a list of companies I use on a regular basis, with tips on taking a good photograph and what sort of things they are looking for, along with some sample photographs.
Just think when you next go to the super market and see a picture on a box, could i take a photograph like that?
Once you have had a look at this little gem of a book, you will always think twice when you take your next photo.
"Making Money With Your Digital Camera" is not only fun but profitable to.
Have a Look at the book Click -HERE--
Do You Want To Sell Your Spanish Home?
.....Check this out......I will be shortly be launching a new web site that will list homes for sell
.. Only in Almeria Spain.
So if you are fed up with your estate agents, why not give it a try...
There will be a small one off fee and a very small monthly charge..details to follow.
The great thing about this new site is that you don't pay any commissions when you sell...YOU keep all the money Not your estate agent..
I will be promoting the web site every day on facebook, google, utube and many other popular sites...
There will be a special offer for the first 10 customers..
If you are interested.. contact me in the (contact David Box) on the right hand side of this page..
Friday, February 3, 2012
Sell some more photos manaƱa
I hope its going to be a sunny day again manaƱa because i want to take some new photos down the beach to upload to my publisher for sell.
Marta will come with me to do some pooozzzing...shes good at that.should have seen her in mexico...Here is one of her photos that i have sold..
Marta will come with me to do some pooozzzing...shes good at that.should have seen her in mexico...Here is one of her photos that i have sold..
Thinking about uploading this photo to my publisher for sale but not sure if its good enough...What do you think?..
This is where i have made some extra cash in the link bellow...
This is where i have made some extra cash in the link bellow...
Thursday, February 2, 2012
--So You Want To Make Money Online???
The Headline said.. “ Want to make money online”.... ok I thought, this is what I need, a fast way to make some cash online and maybe spend most of my time on the beach just like the guy in the picture on the add, drink in one hand and a pretty girl sitting next to him, fast car in the back ground, you get the picture..
Ok, I knew I would have to do some work setting it all up, but hundreds of people seemed to be making loads of money for only a few hours work why not me…
As I read through the ad, I was sure this was right for me, even though my "internet skills" were limited to sending emails and surfing the net.
I did read all the sales pitch and watched the long, long 18 minute video that told me in detail how I would only need to follow the step by step instructions to start making loads of online cash,” No experience needed,” The ad said.
Now I am normally very careful, if I think something is to good to be true, It usually is, Right?.
Well I guess I was just really keen to start making some extra cash so I filled in my details and paid $35 monthly fee to down load the "training course."
Probably 1 hour passed before I realised that what I had just bought was not only going to be very difficult for me to set up but was not really what I wanted to do anyway, so this now made me feel disillusioned and I had not even started to think about how many hours this was all really going to take.
I did manage, after about 2 days, to fill in the template they had made and started to promote the referral site as I was instructed.
Three months past and finally I made the decision that I had to stop as not only did I not believe in this, it was not producing any results.
This was not a good product.
I did manage to get some traffic to the site but that is where it stopped.
Even though I had spent many days promoting the site exactly as I was instructed.
So I decided to stop and carry on with my carpentry work.
About 2 months latter I opened an email that had a link at the bottom.
As I opened it I was thinking this is going to be another scam… but I was greeted by a video, the guy in the video was "Chris Farrell".
He went on to tell me about if you want to"Make Money Online" you need to learn some new skills, ok this sounds right, I need to start learning from day one.
This was not a sales pitch he was offering real training, with step by step videos and that got me interested. After I filled in the opt in box I instantly received a training video course on how to build your first web site by 3:45.
So I started. video after video I was starting to see how much I (Didn’t) know.
After each video I became more familiar with the phrases and new words which I had heard before but not really understood.
By the end of the day I had built and published a basic web page and it was now online for the world to see, I was feeling pleased with my self and that made me want to learn more.
For the first time I had found something that I enjoyed , I was learning new skills and I could see that in the future I could use these new skills to build web sites and make money.
The next 2 or 3 days I just played with the site making some adjustments and seeing what does what.
As I got out of bed the next day I knew I just wanted to join the membership site I had seen Chris talk about as there was not only loads more training videos but also a forum where you could ask for help from other members who were going through the "training" just like me.
After I had joined the membership site I was amazed at how much training and tips were available to me.
I now know that it is possible to make money online But and it’s a big BUT….you must learn from the start and build up slowly but surely understanding as you go.
There are loads of sites out there that promise the earth but like any new business, you have to learn
some "new skills" first.
Thanks Chris, keep up the good work. .....Have a look..-- HERE--
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
"Online Income"
"How to start Making Money Online" is a good question..but the most important thing is .where to start.
Like me i bet you have seen all the stuff on the web that says you can make money straight away if you buy this and that now....well i did buy a few this and thats but after months i made nothing...then i saw a post that said "if you learn some basic new skills you will understand where to start and build up "you own business"
I was able to surf the net and send emails but that was really about it, so i know i had to start at the beginning.
I started on this video course "How to build your own website"and i must say that from the very first video i could see that this was something different....no hard sell just loads of step by step instructions on video that i could pause and go back when i wanted. also there is a forum where you can post a question and get answers in minutes not days..
These are people that are learning like you and want to help for FREE its amazing..
So if you really want to start learning " How to Make Money Online"
Check it out Click---HERE--
..Go for it..........
Like me i bet you have seen all the stuff on the web that says you can make money straight away if you buy this and that now....well i did buy a few this and thats but after months i made nothing...then i saw a post that said "if you learn some basic new skills you will understand where to start and build up "you own business"
I was able to surf the net and send emails but that was really about it, so i know i had to start at the beginning.
I started on this video course "How to build your own website"and i must say that from the very first video i could see that this was something different....no hard sell just loads of step by step instructions on video that i could pause and go back when i wanted. also there is a forum where you can post a question and get answers in minutes not days..
These are people that are learning like you and want to help for FREE its amazing..
So if you really want to start learning " How to Make Money Online"
Check it out Click---HERE--
..Go for it..........
"New Photos"..
I have been working in Almeria today and it was a very warm, sunny day, so i took a few photos of the port area and will be uploading them soon, Should get some earnings from at least one of them,
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